About Student Learning Contracts

The Health Science Student Learning Contracts Office serves two functions:

  1. The Office acquires contracts for ECU Health Sciences students to have clinical experiences outside the ECU system. Contracts are held with agencies in the U.S. and internationally.
  2. The Office acquires contracts for students from other colleges and universities to come to ECU for a learning experience.

Anytime an ECU Health Science student will be participating at a non-ECU facility as part of their clinical learning experience, it is required that a fully executed agreement be in place prior to the start of the learning experience. Even if the ECU student will be in an observer role only, an agreement is still necessary.

Each School/College on the Health Science campus has contact individuals who can provide information about which agencies have active agreements on file. These individuals work with the Student Learning Contracts Office and can facilitate the acquisition of a contract with an agency if one does not currently exist.


School/College Contacts

College of Allied Health Sciences
Kim Barber

College of Nursing
Andrea Wagner

School of Dental Medicine
Emily Schultz

Brody School of Medicine
Melinda Salchert

Department of Public Health
David Liverman